Corn Tassels
Corn Tassels

When I saw the Weekly Photo Challenge was Fray I immediately thought of tasselled and frayed ends of corn silk which is abundant this time of year,a symbol of the end of gift of summer which is quickly coming to and. I had no images of them. Doing errands today I came upon this single stalk red of corn planted in a patch of land next to a parking lot off College Ave in Berkeley. The owner came out while I was there and said she didn’t plant it. So it is a volunteer or the work of a gorilla gardener. Only IN Berkeley!!
What fraud ends wrap around and keep summer alive a little long for you?

Parking stip corn
Parking stip corn

13 thoughts

  1. When I was a small kid, went to Tonkawa with Dad when he was planting his garden. I took one piece of corn and stuck it in the ground way out in the middle. A long way from where he planted the corn. It came up and he always wondered how that corn came up way over there. Never did tell him I did it. I sure was proud of it though. lol



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