May Square Day 24 My garden seems to be self restoring. That means an artichoke plant I didn’t plant just popped up unexpectedly and is now budding right next to a sprouting Mexican Marigold I thought chopped out last fall all. And all this in a small square space next to a rose that hasn’t boomed in years. I had planned to plant the lavender in the ground but she is happily blooming in her pretty pot.

Don’t you just love garden volunteers?!

5 thoughts

  1. Many years ago when we were driving through the central valley of California, where it seemed every single produce product was growing, we saw fields of artichokes. The first time I had ever seen them. They are a real fascinating plant!


    1. Yes artichokes are fascinating! They are giant thistles actually. Around here add them to landscaping for their big purple flowers! Hopefully I’ll get one to post this summer, if my husband doesn’t eat it. Lol

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