Terri’s Sunday Stills is asking us to remember weather. Yes I do remember that it use to rain in Northern.

Bay storm
April 2014 SF Bay

A few miles away this spring 2021 a creek that feeds in to the Bay was dry and cracked when it should be full.

April 2021

Birds are another sign of what’s going on with the weather. Yesterday they were busy searching for nest materials

Yarrow works

Other times birds get confused and perch in the wrong place for  Lisa’s Bird weekly. 

I have to share the roof turkeys and then them on a roof to see how high they fly. Also about once a year a hummingbird gets in the kitchen this one found a olds water jug a fine perch. Click to see slideshow. 

11 thoughts

  1. OMG! Turkeys are a little more skittish in these parts. Depending on the season, they will get shot and stuffed for Thanksgiving here. I got a good chuckle at the cat sitting in the window watching the turkeys. It’s funny to see them on the roof. The males don’t usually fly unless they have to. They are quite lazy that way and there were several males on the rooftop. The males would rather run than fly. The females will take off in flight anytime, but they will run too. I’m sorry you are in a drought. We can do a raindance on Tuesday! 🙂


    1. Rain dance please. And good wishes too. I need a root canal.
      Our turkeys are not skittish at all. They slowly march down the street holding up honking cars early in the morning waking up everyone. No shooting them and cooking but we threaten every thanksgiving n

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