This week Sunday Stills Challenge is Fall Leaves and Trees. I’m always thrilled when she shares her photo of gingko leaves turning the streets gold on UC Davis Campus. Our neighbors gingko tree is not so dramatic but still lovely. (pardon the power lines)

From about 10 minutes ago 11-14-21

My grapevine leaves have turned the crimson this year and have given me a number of beautiful shots.

One thought

  1. Wow, Carol, your grape leaves look amazing–a photographer’s dream, right? The close-up reminds me of a strawberry, it is so vivid! Your neighbor’s ginkgo is gorgeous. They may still get more yellow into Thanksgiving. My shot was of the grove at Sacramento State U. Every year at this time, I would walk within that area of campus just to abide in all that yellow. There were always students stopping for photo ops. It is too cold and dry for ginkgoes here in Spokane.


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