Discovered in a neighbor’s driveway when I took a different way home 

Who knows which way you’ll go in the Magic Gratitude Gypsy Trailer…


South of the Boarder? La Paz? Your Garden?

the only tomatoes that will grow in my shady cool Albany Garden

or Annie’s Annuals The Best and Biggest purveyor of plants. Go Here to see her catalog


On the First Day of Spring I took off for an adventure to Annie’s followed by lunch at La Paz Papuseria both in the industrial part of Richmond CA. I came home full and nurtured!

Where are you going for Spring Break?

see more signs and adventures see Cee’s Which Way Challenge #12

043014 which way

This blog was written in Classic Mode for more about staying in this mode go to Diary of Dennis

9 thoughts

  1. It’s all the work that need to be finished before we can go off! Been so hard at it recently that blogging has had to take a back seat. The thought of a break keeps me going, and will hopefully provide more photos for use. Hope your break is great.


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