When Everything Comes Together

1-Banjo-Boots and Accordion
2-Deering Sierra
2-Deering Sierra

I have been reading the Long Beach Mysteries by Tyler Dilts in which a very valuable Deering Banjo is described in detail so this morning perusing my photos from yesterday for something to post for macro photography, my jaw dropped when I zoomed in on the name of this banjo.  I would have never noticed it if I hadn’t been for Sally D’s creativity challenge to focus on everyday objects. The Banjo and accordion were part of a Marching band called the Hub-Bub Club and I use to live in Long Beach, CA. synchronicity is alive and well!

One more image more Street then Macro to give you an idea of the scope of the band:

3-Hub-Bub Club
3-Hub-Bub Club The Dog and Fox  and Chicken are part of the show

The Fox’s comment on photography

4-Photographers with big cameras get in the way
4-Photographers with big camera Fox with bigger teeth.

Love to hear your comments about my photos with my little iPhone 5s.

Also what do you think of the new theme?

Double dipping to include Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge

25 thoughts

  1. You’ve found a good example of intriguing design elements of everyday objects: the banjo is such a terrific musical instrument with features that makers can arrange and rearrange. The basic design is engaging, and the added ones grab one’s attention. Happy Photo Challenge.


    1. To get such a capture during a swirling hub-bub says a lot about just how fast the iPhone is! No zoning or cropping on image #1. May make #2 into a postcard for my music friends.
      Thank you for the well articulated comment,
      Happy June


  2. Thanks for the author tip. I read a lot of mysteries and it is good to find a new author. How did you do the half black and white, half color photo?


      1. I am currently re-reading a Heinlein (not a mystery) – The cat who walked through walls. My current mystery writer favorites are Kerry Greenwood (Phryne Fisher), Jacqueline Winspear (Maisie Dobbs), and Alan Bradley (Flavia de Luce) – and, of course, Stephanie Plum!


    1. I got the Black and white mix from the Phototoaster app in a preset called Color Burst, You can move your finger around to where you want the color. I think other apps have color burst.
      Do you use a smart phone for photography?


  3. Im so glad you have the time to go take photos with your “phone”. I am really enjoying them Carol.
    Reminds me of my early days taking so many pictures of different things. Still have them somewhere. lol



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