January Light Square Challenge Comes to an end Today!

End sign
Light at the END of the Journey

Here are a few more LIGHT photos that didn’t fit in during the month

Birds of Paradise Take Flight

Birds of Paradise
Flightless birds

Silver Light on the Bay

SF Bay
I live down there on the hump near the bay

Finally Sparkly Light on the poinsettia

From Last year

The month of—-Light Squares is over but the search for light will not end. As photographers we will always be looking for and finding the light to show the world  “look it’s not as dark as you think!”
Thanks Becky for hosting us at the start of this precarious new year. Looking forward to more squares soon!!





5 thoughts

  1. your first one made me smile, and the others are just a lovely way to end. As always Carol you have put together a great collection, and you are right we are never going to stop looking for the light. What a great way to finish 🙂


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